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作者:heppo    国内旅游来源:旅游网    点击数:    更新时间:2012-12-12
        天津玉佛禅寺:天津玉佛禅寺前身为“法藏寺”,始建于周隋之间(约公元557年~581年)毁于清末民初。2003年8月,天津市宗教局批准重建该寺,更名为玉佛禅寺。寺院占地宽广,院内翠柏苍松,枝叶茂密,绿荫昂然。寺院主体中轴对称、回廊连接、翘角飞檐、朱漆彩绘。延中轴线依次建有山门、天王殿、大雄宝殿、卧佛殿等;两侧为钟鼓楼、文殊、普贤、观音、地藏四大菩萨殿等。值得一提的是,寺院全堂佛像均为缅甸玉石雕刻而成,且尊尊佛像雕刻精美,姿态威武,气魄雄伟,比例匀称,尽显神通灵感,别具特色。 The predecessor of Tianjin Jade Bodhisattva Monastery is Fa Zang Monastery, which was built during a period from about 557 to 581 when it was the transitional period between the Zhou Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty, and was destroyed in late Qing and early Republic of China. In August 2003, the municipal Bureau of Religious Affairs in Tianjin approved the reconstruction of the monastery and changed its name to Jade Bodhisattva Monastery. Covering a large area, the monastery is home to luxuriant cypress and pine trees. Along a central axis are buildings that are connected by winding corridors and decorated with upturned eaves, red paints and colored paintings. Buildings that form the central axis are the main entrance to the monastery, Temple of Devaraja, Temple of Mahavira, and Temple of Sleeping Buddha. On either side of the axis are Bell and Drum Tower, Temple of Manjushri, Temple of Samantabhadra, Temple of Avalokiteshvara and Temple of Kshitigarbha. It is worth mentioning that all the sculptures in the monastery are carved out of Burma jade. Exquisitely made, they are very impressive being imposing in appearances, powerful in postures, balanced in proportion, with a unique feature of them own. 天津の玉仏禅寺の前身は「法蔵寺」であり、周と隋の間(557年~581年ごろ)に創建され、清の末、民国の初めに壊された。2003年8月に、天津市宗教局の許可のもとで再建され、玉仏禅寺に改名した。寺院は広々としていて、中には深緑の松と緑の柏が一面に広がり、一年中緑でしおれない。主体建築は釣り合っていて、回廊がつながっており、軒先が反り返っていて、朱塗りや彩色上絵が施されている。中軸線に沿って順次、山門、天王殿、大雄宝殿、臥仏殿などが立てられ、その両側は鐘楼、鼓楼、および、文殊、普賢、観音、地蔵を祭る仏殿と鳴っている。取り上げるべきなのは、寺院に祭られる仏像はすべてミャンマーの玉でできており、しかも、どの像も彫刻が美しく、立派な様子をしていて、とても特色がある。 천진 옥불선사(玉佛禪寺)의 전신은 법장사(法藏寺)이다. 주나라·수나라(

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